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Donations, Perks and Info



Priority Queue puts you to the front of the server queue when server is full and after server restarts. Please make a ticket to claim priority queue, please note it is not instantly given and can take 1 to 48hrs to activate.


$15 Donation 1 month priority queue for 1 server


$25 Donation 2 months priority queue for 1 server


$150 Donation 1 Year Priority Queue on 1 server


$250 Donation 1 Year Priority Queue on all servers


$500 Donation Lifetime Priority Queue on All Servers


Priority queue availability:
✅ DayZ Deathmatch Chernarus: Available
✅ DayZ Survival Pro Livonia: Available
✅ DayZ Playhouse Chernarus: Available

✅ DayZ PvE Sakhal: Coming Soon

✅ DayZ PvP Sakhal: Coming Soon


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​We also accept donations sent directly to our VONDY Nitrado Server, If you have a Nitrado Server and wish to donate to us this way, please send a support ticket in our Discord and a member of staff will reach out to you with further information.


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